Geography 2.0: Virtual Globes

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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

KML in Google Maps: one-on-one with the Google Maps Team

I had a nice talk with a developer of the KML support for Google Maps. He said that the dialog window sizing problem is a persistent, known issue, and Google is working to solve it. As a workaround, if you close and reopen any problematic placemark window, the window resizes properly when opened the second time. Concerning the other issues I noted in my previous post, Google spells out what KML features can be handled by Google Maps on their website. I was told to expect some of the issues to be resolved within a month. Overall, they are marching toward 100% KML compatibility.

It appears that the URL for these KML-driven maps follow this format:

(concatenate the above two lines as a single long string with no spaces)
Replace with the domain and kml you are using. Additional customizations can be created if you follow the pattern in links for satellite imagery and hybrid modes. Their API documentation undoubtedly provides either direct or indirect additional details.